
Allow zooming with Turbo Android
03 February 2023

Allowing zooming on Android applications can be a bad idea. There are perfect use cases though. For example you display some images and users may need to zoom to better view it.

HTML standard allow zooming by default, user-scalable=yes. To allow zooming on the HTML page you can use user-scalable=yes or omit the attribute.

<meta content="width=device-width" name= "viewport">
<meta content="width=device-width, user-scalable=yes" name= "viewport">

To prevent zooming on the html page you can use user-scalable=no.

<meta content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no" name= "viewport">

Turbo Native for Android allows to reuse browser views to display them inside an android application.

Build high-fidelity hybrid apps with native navigation and a single shared web view. Turbo Native for Android provides the tooling to wrap your Turbo 7-enabled web app in a native Android shell. It manages a single WebView instance across multiple Fragment destinations, giving you native navigation UI with all the client-side performance benefits of Turbo.

Though it doesn’t allow zooming by default.

To enable zooming add the following settings.

webView.settings.builtInZoomControls = true
webView.settings.displayZoomControls = false